How to Change Your Car’s Oil at Home: A Step-by-Step Guide

Turn Off Old Filters

Look for an oil filter. This is a cylindrical part the size of a softball that screws into the engine (although some engines have a housing where you place the filter cartridge). Loosen the oil filter by hand or with an oil filter wrench (you’ll probably need the latter) enough (turn it counterclockwise) so that the oil comes out of the top and begins to drip into the pan. Wait until the flow decreases to remove the entire filter.

Before installing the new filter, make sure there are no old oil filter seals (thin rubber O-rings) left. This is particularly important. If you don’t remove the old gasket, the new filter won’t seal properly and all the new, fresh oil will spill onto the ground, usually within minutes of starting, potentially destroying the engine oil and causing disaster. We recommend cleaning oil-smeared surfaces before replacing the drain plug and oil filter.

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